Main theme: Prospects for investment, production, consumption and the Iranian oil and energy market
Main Topics
- The Future of Gas Production and Consumption
- Refinery or Petro-Refinery, the Role of Government and the Private Sector
- Challenges of Non-Governmental Investment in Iran Power and Renewable Energy Industry
- Upstream Production with the Aim of Petrochemical and its Role Boundaries
- The Current World Impacts on the Future of Iran Oil and Energy Industry
- The Outlook of Commerce, Value-Creation and Gas Consumption
- Methanol Surplus, Price Effects and Value Chain Completion
- The Future of Export Markets for Oil, Petroleum and Petrochemical Products and the Role of International Cooperation in the Post-Corona Era
- Oil and Energy Regulation
- Supporting E&P Companies to Achieve the Production Capacity of Eight Million Oil Barrels
- Modern Financing Methods with the Capital Market Perspective