The main Theme
“Identifying problems and obstacles in the future development of the oil industry”
Variety of contract partnerships and developments methods based on oil fields size
Target production capacity for Iran petroleum
Future gas production plans and export challenges
Gas supply in the energy stock market
Petrochemical and Refining
Sustainability of petrochemical and refining industries feed in the future and challenges
The future of petrochemical industry development (upstream and downstream)
Definition and position of regulatory in petrochemical industry and the role and necessity of NPC
Integrated view and optimal model of petrochemical refinery development
Energy sector subsidies, actual pricing and the impact on energy efficiency
A new definition of the financial relationship between the government and the Ministry of petroleum subsidiaries
New methods of financing and capital market capacities
Cryptocurrencies; opportunities and threats
Structure of energy markets
The impact of the electric vehicles and new energies development on the future consumption of gasoline, oil and gas
Simultaneous production of electricity and heat in energy-intensive industries
Electrical industry regulation and the challenges of the non-governmental sector in power generation
Environmental, energy efficiency and renewable energy
Optimization of electricity and gas consumption patterns in different parts of the country
The future of solar power generation in Iran
New technologies
Research and technology parks and funds, startups and knowledge bases in the oil industry
Technology transfer solutions in contracts with foreign companies
Recommendations for the energy sector in the Seventh Development Plan
Strategic recommendations in the energy sector and new government
Foundation of the Ministry of Energy and the future of related departments
Restructuring of the Ministry of Petroleum using international experiences and studies